School Hours
Regular School Days
7:40 - 2:15
Half Days
7:40 - 11:00
9:40 - 2:15
Students being dropped off should arrive no earlier than 9:00
Early Release due to Inclement Weather
Dismissal time for all students is 11:00

Mission Statement
Everyone at Somers High School will work to foster a learning community characterized by academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, creative expression, responsible citizenship, personal growth, and respect for all.
Somers High School's 21st Century Learning Expectations
- Reading - Demonstrate the ability to think critically by reading challenging material and effectively communicating its meaning and usage.
- Communication - Demonstrate the skills necessary to effectively communicate through writing and/or speaking.
- Problem Solving - Demonstrate critical thinking in problem solving and reasoning in order to analyze, solve problems, and clearly communicate the solution.
- Technology - Demonstrate appropriate use of technology to support communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.
- Creative Expression - Create, perform, and respond to the arts with understanding and recognize the role of the arts in expressing and communicating the human experience.
- Civic and Social - Demonstrate positive citizenship to the school community characterized by respect, responsibility, integrity and kindness.